• Showing 571-580 of 755
    American Gaming Association, Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers Announce Partnership to Combat Illegal Gambling In Texas

    Washington, D.C. – The American Gaming Association (AGA) and the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM) today announced a new partnership to highlight and combat the rapid spread of illegal gambling machine activity in Texas. With an estimated 100,000-150,000 “8-liner” and illegal slot machines now present in Texas, the state has become the most glaring example […]

    Casinos Outline Serious Concerns with IRS Proposal to Track Players, Lower Winnings Threshold

    Washington, D.C. – The American Gaming Association (AGA) filed comments this week as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) closed the public comment period on its proposal for reporting requirements on winnings from slot machine, bingo and keno play. The IRS is proposing mandatory electronic player tracking regulations using player loyalty cards for tax reporting purposes and may consider […]

    AGA Applauds Governor Sandoval, Nevada Legislature for Paving the Way for Innovative Gaming Technology

    Washington, DC – The American Gaming Association (AGA) today applauded Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval for signing key gaming legislation into law and praised state legislators, who unanimously supported Senate Bill 9. The new law allows slot machines to incorporate elements of skill and will help the industry’s efforts to attract millennial customers. “We applaud Nevada’s leadership on […]

    Credit Card Ban at Casinos Would Reflect Gross Misunderstanding of the Gaming Industry

    Washington, DC –In light of a new report in which the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Inspector General recommends banning the use of government credit cards at casinos, the American Gaming Association (AGA) is urging DoD not to single out the gaming industry and ignore the diverse offerings provided by casinos. In a letter to DoD Inspector General Jon […]

    Casinos Will Be Front and Center As Republicans Debate in Cleveland this Summer

    Washington, DC –With the Republican National Committee (RNC) expected to officially announce that GOP presidential candidates will debate for the first time in the casino city of Cleveland, Ohio, the American Gaming Association (AGA), through its “Gaming Votes” initiative, is capitalizing on the opportunity to highlight gaming’s economic impact on Cleveland and the entire state. Ohio’s […]

    U.S. Gaming Industry Engages Japanese Diet as Casino Expansion Gains Momentum

    Washington, DC – On the heels of new Japanese legislation to legalize casinos, the American Gaming Association welcomed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and members of the Diet to Washington, DC. The AGA is playing a leading role in informing lawmakers about the casino industry and its potential role in Japanese economic and tourism development, including hosting […]

    AGA Applauds Senators for Bipartisan Effort to Fix Antiquated Patent System

    Washington, DC — American Gaming Association (AGA) Vice President of Government Relations Whit Askew released the following statement after Senate Judiciary Committee leaders introduced important bipartisan patent reform legislation: “We appreciate Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Leahy and Senators Cornyn, Schumer, Hatch, Lee and Klobuchar for their bipartisan efforts to restore fairness to the patent litigation system and protect America’s employers and innovators. Gaming […]

    Attorney General Lynch Invited to Join New Initiative to Crack Down on Illegal Gambling Operations

    Washington, DC –Now that the United States Senate has confirmed Loretta Lynch as the next U.S. attorney general, the American Gaming Associations (AGA) is inviting her to join state attorneys general and other top law enforcement officials in partnership with the gaming industry through its recently launched initiative to crack down on illegal gambling operations. In a keynote address […]