• Showing 111-120 of 211
    AGA Opposes Federal Government Overreach on Sports Betting

    Today, the American Gaming Association (AGA) released the following statement in response to the “Sports Wagering Market Integrity Act of 2018,” introduced by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT). “This bill is the epitome of a solution in search of a problem, representing an unprecedented and inappropriate expansion of federal […]

    AGA Response to Senator Schumer’s Call for Federal Sports Betting Oversight

    WASHINGTON – American Gaming Association (AGA) Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Sara Slane issued the following statement regarding Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s statement on legalized sports betting. “The casino gaming industry shares Senator Schumer’s goal in preserving the integrity of sporting events and providing consumer protections. Federal oversight of sports betting was an abject failure […]

    American Gaming Association Hosts Responsible Gaming Education Week Event in Boston as Industry Expands in State

    WASHINGTON – The American Gaming Association (AGA) commemorated Responsible Gaming Education Week in Boston with a panel discussion on the industry’s efforts to address problem gambling. The event highlighted AGA’s updated Code of Conduct, the Responsible Gaming Collaborative and the inroads Massachusetts has made prioritizing innovative and expansive responsible gaming initiatives. The panel included representatives […]

    American Gaming Association Kicks Off Responsible Gaming Education Week with Event in Las Vegas

    WASHINGTON – The American Gaming Association (AGA) released its updated Code of Conduct at a Responsible Gaming Education Week event in Las Vegas. The event featured a panel discussion on how the industry prioritizes responsible gaming and included representatives from UNLV’s International Gaming Institute, BMM Testlabs, Caesars Entertainment and the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers. […]

    American Gaming Association Adds Sports Betting Provisions to Responsible Gaming Code of Conduct

    WASHINGTON – The American Gaming Association (AGA) kicked off the 21st annual Responsible Gaming Education Week by updating its Code of Conduct for Responsible Gaming to incorporate sports betting and add new provisions regarding responsible advertising. AGA’s Code of Conduct guides industry efforts to build a more cohesive dialogue on responsible gaming. The updated code expands […]

    Privacy Policy

    This privacy policy applies to the following websites operated by the American Gaming Association (AGA): www.americangaming.org, www.havegameplan.org, www.gettoknowgaming.org, www.sportsbettinginamerica.com, www.stopillegalgambling.org, and www.agastore.com (collectively, the “Sites”).  This privacy policy advises our visitors and members of the types of personal information that may be collected on the Sites and the practices that the AGA follows with respect to […]

    American Gaming Association Names CEO Search Committee

    WASHINGTON – The executive committee of the American Gaming Association (AGA) is pleased to announce the formation of a seven-member search committee to select the next chief executive of the gaming industry. The new CEO will replace Geoff Freeman, who will be departing the AGA as of the end of July to become president and […]

    AGA Outlines Sports Betting Priorities in Letter to Congress

    Washington, D.C. – In a letter to federal lawmakers today, American Gaming Association (AGA) President and CEO Geoff Freeman reiterated the gaming industry’s top priorities in the evolving debate on how to create a successful legal sports betting market in the United States. Following last week’s momentous U.S. Supreme Court decision ending the federal sports […]

    AGA Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Murphy v NCAA

    Washington, D.C. – American Gaming Association (AGA) President and CEO Geoff Freeman issued the following statement after the announcement of the Supreme Court’s opinion on Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association. The Court’s ruling on the case today determined that the federal ban on sports betting as established by the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act […]