Insisting that the road to the White House goes straight through Nevada, the nation’s gaming industry has put the 2016 presidential candidates on notice that they’re being watched and weighed for how they treat the industry.
American Gaming Association (AGA) President Geoff Freeman sent letters to 14 candidates, urging them to support the casino industry or lose the support of voters in states like key swing states such as Nevada, home to gambling mecca Las Vegas.
“As we compile a voter guide for [our] employees over the next few months, we plan to include your views of gaming to ensure they have all the information needed to make their decision during the caucuses and on Election Day,” Mr. Freeman wrote to the candidates.
Casinos make up a $240 billion gaming industry that provides 1.7 million jobs in 40 states, the AGA noted. With billions of dollars in tax revenue, casinos are prominent in many of the pivotal battleground states, including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Mr. Freeman also urged the candidates to tour a casino resort or gaming facility “to see firsthand how thousands of hardworking employees power the industry.”
In an effort to educate casino employees about the presidential contenders’ position on the industry and to inform candidates about the economic benefits of gaming, the AGA and the Iowa Gaming Association plan to host a discussion with elected officials and community organizers in Iowa next week.