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    AGA Voices Concern with Massachusetts Gaming Commission’s Draft “Responsible Gaming Framework”

    Press Release
    March 24, 2014

    Washington — Launching a new effort to inform state-level gaming policy, American Gaming Association’s (AGA) President and CEO Geoff Freeman submitted comments to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission on Friday regarding its proposed draft “Responsible Gaming Framework.”  AGA’s comments were critical of the Commission recommendations that ignored prevailing best practices.
     “The Massachusetts Gaming Commission draft recommendations seem to value anecdote and inclination over proven science,” said Freeman.  “Not only are these proposals unlikely to aid vulnerable populations, they are likely to negatively impact the playing experience experience of the more than 97 percent of the Americans that gamble responsibly.  We hope to have the opportunity to work with the Commission to meet our shared goal of protecting those in need.”
    AGA has pioneered a Code of Conduct for the commercial casino industry and published Responsible Gaming Resource Guide, a survey of responsible gaming practices, procedures, ideas and programs.  AGA supports responsible gaming measures that are proven to be effective.

    press release contact
    Dara Cohen

    (813) 777-9078