Across all industries, the public, policymakers and investors have increased their expectations of the business community. The conversation is no longer about job creation and economic contributions but our impacts beyond the bottom line. I see this on Capitol Hill where I am increasingly asked what the gaming industry is doing to advance matters of diversity and sustainability.
The good news is the gaming industry has a strong story to tell.
Responsibility is part of our social license to operate and a core commitment across our industry. Last year, the AGA embarked on an environment, social and governance (ESG) initiative to define ESG for gaming, understand our members’ commitments, and chart a path to push the industry forward.
I’m proud to share with you the result of our initial work today, a compendium that includes an overview of ESG issues for gaming with profiles of AGA members’ specific efforts. This is a foundational document for our ESG efforts.
The findings demonstrate our deep commitment to advancing sustainability, strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion, investing in communities, and responsible leadership. Our members efforts are improving the planet, gaming communities and our employee and customer experience.
This is just a starting point for the AGA and our members. We will use today’s findings to drive honest conversations among our membership—and the industry broadly—about our strengths and opportunities to improve. With the help of industry leaders, this initiative will only make the gaming industry stronger, and I am excited to see the benefits unfold.
All the best,
Bill Miller
President & CEO